Name means: Spine lizard
Weight: 7-9 tons
Length: 53-60 ft (16-18 m)
Diet: Carnivore
When: 93-95 million years ago
Where: Morocco and Egypt
Prey: Sauropods and Iguanadonts (such as Oranosurus)
Basic Info: This giant African carnivore was found in 1912 in Egypt. Many other specimens were found, but sadly were blown up during a bombing in world war II. Giganotosaurus was found in 1995 and was thought to be the largest predatory animal that ever lived, but scientist have found something new. Last year a Spinosaurus skull was found and scientists estimate that it is now the largest carnivore. As everybody knows Spinosaurus was made famous in the film Jurassic park 3. During the film it was classified as a super-predator, but that is not certain ether. It's sail was probably made out of thin skin, and was probably used during mating or to cool it off. This sail could probably get torn pretty easily therfore he may have been a scavenger.
Hey JP . . .
I find it interesting that a huge dinosaur like this one might have been a scavenger. If we had lived back then, we might have discovered that many of the monsters were actually gentle giants.
Have you read Dinotopia or seen the movie? It's like a gentle version of Jurassic Park, I suppose.
Hope you had a great vacation.
talk 2 u later
spino rules!
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