Tuesday, September 11, 2007


Name means: like Saurolophus lizard

Length: 33 feet (10 meters)
Weight: 3-4 tons
Diet: plant-eater (herbivore)
When: 76-65 million years ago
Where: Alberta, Montana, New Mexico
Predators: Tyrannosaurus, Albertosaurus, and a pack of troodon (or other raptors).
Basic info:Parasaurolophus was a huge plant-eating hadrosaur that weighed as much as a full-grown African elephant. Scientists believe these animals produced sounds by forcing air through the hollow crests on their heads. These sounds could warn other Parasauralophus of approaching danger or possibly talk to each other (not literally). This is probably one of the most well known hadrosaurs due to it's crest. This is one of the biggest hadrosaurs up to 8 feet tall at it's hips.

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